
Showing posts from July, 2017


Hello CTC lovers!, sure the weekend was wonderful. As i said last week am going to be teaching you how to make a leave in conditioner for your hair and also how to make a face mask from okro,this face mask makes the face look radiant and smooth giving you that young look you have always desired.Gone are the days when we spend lots of money buying chemicals that do damages to our hair and face when we can actually do our own home made conditioner and face mask  and save alot of money.  Okro leave in conditioner does these following  to the hair *It creates a great slip for straight hair *It nourishes the hair *It gives a perfect curl and help the curl bounce well *It softens the hair and makes it easy to comb *Dont worry about the smell as it has a netrual smell *Prevents the hair from getting dried. * Highly recommended for people with natural hair.            INGREDIENTS NEEDED FOR THE LEAVE IN CONDITIONER *OKRO (your quantity) *WATER  *OIL(eg,olive oil)          


OKRO LEAVES OKRO Okro or Okra as its being called in different parts of the world (most people also call it ladies finger) is a highly nutritious plant. The leaves, seed and the body all has its benefits . At the end of this post am sure you all will value it more than ever.  Firstly, lets talk about the leave. I dont know whats its called in other tribes but the yoruba refer to it as EWE ILASA. When this leave is matured it becomes tougher and develops an acidic flavour and release its natural value which includes Vitamin A,Vitamin C, Iron,Protein and Calcium. The leave can be prepared as salad or soup. Somewhere in Oyo state called Igbo Ora, I learnt eating the leaves helps in boosting your reproductive system, thereby making it possible for you to have twin babies. Now lets talk about the benefits okro (ladies fingers)  OKRO BENEFITS: *It helps in giving good eyesight *It helps in reducing rapid high cholesterol due to the high fibre it contains *It helps to det

More Healthy Fruits Benefits

BANANA a.It protects the heart b.Silences tough cough c.Strengthens bones d.Controls blood pressure e.Calms stomach upset WATERMELON a.It cleans the kidney b.It boosts the immune sysytem c.It reduces heart disease d.It reduces high blood pressure e.Super Hydrating ORANGES a.Anti Hypertensive b.Stroke Prevention c.Pain Killer d.Anti Cancer CABBAGE a.Combats Cancer b.It promotes Weightloss c.It protects your Heart d.Prevents Constipation e.Reduces Hangover PINEAPPLE a.Anti cancer b.Bone health c.Anti Inflammatory d.Digestive aid

SUGAR (SweetVirus)

Welcome to the Sugar World where everything we consume has sugar and lots of sugar which eventually leads to lots and lots of calories.Sugar as we know is a generic name for Sweet,Soluble,Carbohydrate, Reasearch has shown that the average person consumes about 53lbs of sugar yearly which is equivalent to 260 food calories per person daily. Over consumption of sugar has been implicated in the occurence of diabetes,toothache obesity and cadiovascular Well this is our world and we must be in control over it all.We must learn how to take charge over our body.Here are some tips on how to go about it 1)Reduction of sugar in your diet,which is the first step always results to weight loss and better blood sugar levels. Also in this first step, the major aim is to get you to reduce drastically your love for sweet things. So please always look out for sweeteners too,little does the trick 2)You must imbibe the culture of reading labels very carefully in grocery shops.You should also le