SUGAR (SweetVirus)

Welcome to the Sugar World where everything we consume has sugar and lots of sugar which eventually leads to lots and lots of calories.Sugar as we know is a generic name for Sweet,Soluble,Carbohydrate, Reasearch has shown that the average person consumes about 53lbs of sugar yearly which is equivalent to 260 food calories per person daily. Over consumption of sugar has been implicated in the occurence of diabetes,toothache obesity and cadiovascular Well this is our world and we must be in control over it all.We must learn how to take charge over our body.Here are some tips on how to go about it

1)Reduction of sugar in your diet,which is the first step always results to weight loss and better blood sugar levels. Also in this first step, the major aim is to get you to reduce drastically your love for sweet things. So please always look out for sweeteners too,little does the trick

2)You must imbibe the culture of reading labels very carefully in grocery shops.You should also learn to ask questions about your food so that you can know the exact amount of sugar in it.

3)Don’t always eat the regular bread with sugar in it,be quick to check the ingredients for saccharin as its not not advisable to eat bread with such ingredient.Wheat bread should do each time or most times you want to eat bread.

4)You must avoid taking drinks with lots of sugar content.Try replacing your soft drinks with water,and natural juice and smoothies..If you use 3 cubes daily try to limit it to 2 cubes,and you can use honey which is sometimes preferrable,especially for older adults

If the urge for sweet things comes to you try taking sweet fruits like pineapple, oranges,apples banana and mangoes

NOTE : It is very important not to dislike yourself if you go astray along the line. Nobody is really perfect and this is something new you are trying to get used to. So all you do is to write that particuar day you went astray or messed up and start all over the next day.Stay Blessed and have a Sugar free day!


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